I recentlly posted an add on Craig's list in order to sell an ejection seat that I had laying around. Some of you reading this may find this strange if it wasn't coming from the mouth of Lieberdowski; none the less, I posted the sale item, and then three days later recieved the following question to my email inbox.
The following conversation is between Randy and myself via email.....oh, one more thing that should be noted, Randy's email address is jesusluvsya@XXXXXXXX, so really......how could I not make fun of this guy.
Randy to Me:
isnt that illegal to own
Me to Randy:
It's not illegal to own.....why would you ask that? I'm assuming that you're not a buyer or a person who is interested in my sale item. I do however feel that you are someone who just likes to ask ridiculous questions, and apparently is in need of more friends. There's a spot for both of those things on Craig's list, so I guess you're in luck. My advise to you......is, if you're not interested in buying, then maybe you should post some questions or helpful thoughts over in the forum areas instead of wasting my time.
Thanks for your time,
P.S-Jesus doesnt' luv you......
Randy to Me:
Me to Randy:
Dearest Tough Guy,
First off I'd like to suggest that maybe you change your name to Butch, Spike, or perhaps even Rocky. I feel that these names are a lot tougher than, Randy. Second, I'm assuming that you only have a 4th grade level of education; since, you cannot form a proper sentence, are lacking in over all grammar and since you don't appear smart enough to use spell check. Furthermore, for the record, I'm not the one harassing, nor am I being verbally aggressive (apparently that's your job). Third, I'm not worried at all about "BE LOCATED" since you cannot use a spell check......well I really doubt that you're smart enough, or computer savoy enough to even attempt to "locate" me. No. If I had to guess I'd say that the extent of your computer skill is limited to emailing and watching Internet porn. At-A-BOY! Forth, thank you.......thank you for allowing me to keep my faith in humanity. Some days you wake up and you're positive, perhaps even an idealist, but then someone like you comes around really puts things back into perspective. Fifth, you are a troll, enjoy your time on the Internet because it is the only place that you will ever feel accepted. Sixth, your anger is unfounded, my response was a constructed communication meant to guide you forward in a more socially acceptable way. Judging from your response you clearly do not know the meaning of the word "irony" and you are no stranger to being laughed at. Seventh, you need more hugs. So much anger my friend! I fear for your health; harboring that much rage can only be the result of years worth of self-loathing and sadness. Eighth, you may be a terrorist and a threat to this great country. At first glance I couldn't even read the words you were trying to write, I actually thought you were writing in Arabic and forgot to turn off the caps lock. I soon realized that your English is so broken that you must have to communicate to other people with pictures or grunting sounds. This leads me to my final point........I fear for your soul. Without question I am going to hell, hopefully I'll see you there, I think we could be friends. Unfortunately for you, you seem to be retarded which means not only that God hates you, but Satan won't even let you into Hell. I guess you'll have to bring along some good books and Cd's when you die because I hear that purgatory is a pretty boring place.....
Take care and I hope you get your 77 virgins a long, long time from now when you die of old age my friend,
Yours Truly,
Randy to Me:
grow up pussy your emails are now blocked bye dumbass ha ha ha ha ha
Touche Randy.....touche, that was the last message that was received from my friend Randy....he is a truly eloquent writer, and a very deep thinker.
As always, you are a shining representation of true American hero, Lieberdorkski.
ReplyDeleteLOL. That's more CLASSiC than a '67 Mustang. Keep kickin' asses, my friend... ;P
ReplyDeleteoh Lieb, this post makes me worry less for Randy and more for your soul. i do believe that Pascal was on to something with his little wager... you on the other hand, my Hume-like cynic, have damned yourself for good. your hurtful words make baby jesus cry. in fact, i'm fairly certain there's a special place in Hell for you, filled with overgrown asparagus and the never ending chatter of non-parishables. unlike the pickle, you wont have to find them... they will find you. bahahaha!
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! I can't believe I wasted so much time getting to this little gem of joy!!!! On a good note, my night will be filled with internal laughing when I think back on the Randys of this world... WOW!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Jesus love you long time